You city folks have it easy. When it comes time to have your morning coffee with the newspaper, you walk outside the door, and there it is. A crisp, neatly folded newspaper with all the sections intact ready for your retrieval. If it is raining, there is a good chance it has a nice plastic bag or sleeve around it to keep it dry; sometimes that protective sleeve carries a free product sample, too. In the more rural parts, some of you are fortunate to have mailbox-style delivery in a handy holder on a post. But, for those of us in the boondocks, it is the luck of the draw as to what we may find. Unlike our counterparts in other locales, we retrieve our newspaper from the local convenience store, or our favorite coffee stop, which may also be the bait shop. Although some of these places may have delightful displays for all the goodies to eat or drink, the newspapers are usually relegated to the top of an ice cream case, a side counter near the register, or within tripping range on the floor. Where a paperback book may get a neat and tidy revolving display, or a clever little corner job for the magazines, the newspapers are left to fend for themselves. Even the local tourism literature fairs better in this menagerie. Magazine/Newspaper Easel Strewn about, mishandled and abused, my desire for the crisp newspaper that came ‘hot off the presses’, lies torn apart in a cold, mangled state. If only my local store had one of those clever little wire racks. I could look up and down the rows in this simple wire display, and choose from local to national coverage in a variety of newspaper choices. Best of all, I would get my crease. You know the feeling; you pull out each section, one at a time, and the rest wait patiently for your reading pleasure. So as you read your neat little home delivery version of the local news, think of me waiting patiently for the day that I can share in your joy. And if you are like me, maybe you want to pass this along to your local convenience store owner. For some invested in a wire display rack, he’ll unearth some very happy customers, as well as get rid of the nuisance of newspapers strewn about the premises.